I once finished crossing a Labyrinth in a world time record. What might of took hours for others to complete, took me minutes.

And I stood there, by the end of it, amazed of what i have accomplished. It was really impressive...

Now What?

I mean i am here, harsh roads behind me, a long steady one in front of me and a light at the end of it.

I know what passed, I can see the end, but I am totally lost to what will come in between...

All roads lead to Rome my friend, it is very easy to get there, but do not go if you do not have anything planned!

The real maze comes after the Labyrinth


  1. Anonymous6:58:00 PM

    All roads lead to windmills

  2. Anonymous10:00:00 AM

    if you figure out what you are going to do at the windmill, u'll be fine, if not you're windmilled


you think?