I cannot tell you what i will do tomorrow, but if you come back tomorrow, I can tell you what I did today...


The chances were even:
- It could have been stolen
- It could have been fake
Only one truth resides from this trade. The time was correct! It was noon, that's what the sun was telling me, on this sunday over Beirut.
I went in looking for DVDs but went out with a Rolex in my hand and a witty smile on my face. I was knighted at noon!
It was there, looking at me. Maybe because no one was looking at it. Maybe because no one knows what this brand stands for.
"Look at it sir! It glows in the dark!" said the "salesman", pointing out the only feature he can make out of the product!
I smile and tell him politely that the glow could disturb my slumber. "I am a very sensitive guy with desperate needs for peaceful sleeps. You have to do better than this to convince me!"
I replied trying to keep my laughing eyes behind the shades. The laughter should not appear, it will point out the obvious.
- It is yours for only 3$ sir!
A Rolex for 3$!
- That is too much for a watch! I only carry 2 on me and I need 1 for my ride back home! Look carefully at the watch! Is it time for a sale or shall i come back later?
I don't know what got into me, but the number 3 seemed even more fake than the watch itself...
Luckily, he was dumb enough to think he was doing the smart thing and agreed, but told me to keep this trade as a secret. And so I did... or did I?

A Rolex for a buck!
That's a fake satisfaction i can live with!

Don't be afraid to be fake from time to time, because sometimes what might look like the "fakest" may be in fact the realest image of what is your observer conceiving.

Wear a fake brand from time to time.
Fake smiles create rather than demolish.


You kept them locked for a long time. One day you decided to let them go, run wild... mingle.

They did, but they never came back.

You didn't know what to feel exactly then... You had none left


I once finished crossing a Labyrinth in a world time record. What might of took hours for others to complete, took me minutes.

And I stood there, by the end of it, amazed of what i have accomplished. It was really impressive...

Now What?

I mean i am here, harsh roads behind me, a long steady one in front of me and a light at the end of it.

I know what passed, I can see the end, but I am totally lost to what will come in between...

All roads lead to Rome my friend, it is very easy to get there, but do not go if you do not have anything planned!

The real maze comes after the Labyrinth


- Did you bag any illegal feeling for this trip sir?
- No sir! The journey is small! And the amount of feelings allowed in this trip is limited to one per mood, so there is really no room for illegality in this old bag!
- Did someone you don't know, place a feeling in your bag without telling you?
- Sir, Even the people i thought i knew well never handed me real feelings! All i got bagged are ones of grief, mourn and bitterness! It's a business trip, I don't have time for mood swings.
- Very well then! Welcome aboard the "Experience Express": We express what you experience in feelings!
- Thank you! I replied with a smile! And Damn you for making me use the only sweet feeling I had hidden, this early...


I opened up the door last week with this weird feeling. It was neither curiosity nor any other familiar feeling, but something had me up from my couch and made me do it. Then it hits me. Behind last day’s left over something was looking at me and smiling, all blushed and fresh. I close the door simultaneously and go back to my seat trying to mind my own business. Then, slowly, without me wanting this, I walk back to the room, stand next to the door, hoping she would notice me. Did she? I could never know unless I open it again. Should I? I mean I want to! Can’t get that smile out of my mind. Be a man young fellow! So I take what’s left of my balls and open the door quickly but still make myself appear like I am looking for something else, hoping to catch a glimpse of her tender skin. But whom was I fooling? Her?
We make eye contact and I become red, like her, but more…

That look! It can wake up a dying zombie; it can sober a drunken monkey.

She smiles!

She was the prettiest tomato I have ever seen


I once talked to a slave and made him look like he is a genie. No one appreciates this comparison. I even felt bad for doing so, but I had to, to get that slave back. I should have just given him his freedom… A genie, all-powerful as he may seem, is just a slave in a bottle and you can never be friends as long as he sees a master in you.
I will set my slave free, but not today. I still have one wish to ask and then I will set him free. I think I will…

- I wish you’d be my friend!
- Your wish is my command, said my enslaved genie, and that made me smile…
- This is all I wanted from you. Now go… you are free!

The Genie disappeared and shaped himself back as a friend and came close, looked at me and smiled back. A smile so fake, it couldn’t have hit me more! Is he my friend now because I wished for it? Was that a pity smile I received? Am I doomed to an eternal friendship, which will never change, vary or vanish?
So I ignored my new friend.
He called I did not answer
He tried to reach out for me but I pushed him away
Last I heard, a genie friend killed himself. The news said it was the lack of attention…
What have I done? Was it bad to wish for a friend? Was it bad to free slaved mind?
I think I should have freed the genie and then wished for his friendship… but then he would have neglected my proposition. I mean it is possible! He has his own mind now.

I wanted a slaved genie as a friend… I should have freed him first… now I lost both.